10 Great Marketing Dissertation Topics On Consumer Behavior

Many factors will end up influencing your dissertation topic, including what the focus of your doctoral program is, and what funds are available for your research, but choosing a topic can be a daunting task. You’ll likely spend several years of your life researching, reading, and writing about it, so it’s an important decision.

The first consideration for choosing a dissertation topic is your personal interest. Because you’ll be spending so much time with it, you’ll want a topic that you won’t get sick of easily. It’s also crucial to choose a topic that you can structure a sound research methodology for. Many marketing doctoral programs will require that you’re research be structured around testing a hypothesis, analyzing trends in data, or exploring a causal relationship. In many ways this is the biggest difference between a dissertation or thesis and the other paper’s you’ve written in college.

If you’re already interested in a specific doctoral program, try looking at what current professor’s, students, and fellows specialize in. This will give you an idea of what areas there are already funding for in the program. Either way, you’ll still need a preliminary idea for a topic before you apply for a program. Though chances are it will change as you start your background research, refine your methodology, and begin working with your research advisor. Even as you choose a topic, you’ll need to be open to it changing.

Here are 10 topics about consumer behavior to get you started:

  1. 1. How is consumer behavior different for purchasing within social networks compared to individual spaces?
  2. 2. Have consumer buying patterns shifted with a transition from brick and mortar stores to online retailers?
  3. 3. What are the major antecedents of consumer behavior for social network purchasing?
  4. 4. How much does competitive nature drive purchasing in online auctions?
  5. 5. What are the major factors that contribute to the consumer’s evaluation of whether a product is worth the price?
  6. 6. How do corporate sustainability and social responsibility initiatives influence consumer choices?
  7. 7. How much of a premium are consumers willing to pay for convenience?
  8. 8. How much do consumers value cost transparency?
  9. 9. What are the primary factors that influence the decision whether to replace a technology product with a newer model?
  10. 10. How effective is product placement in different genres of movies?

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